Gear » Armor » Leg » Sabuthi Skirt
A common enough but comfortable garment.
PropertyValueNameSabuthi SkirtRarityCommonGold40Weight0.6Stats
- 12.0 Armor
PropertyValueNamePale Sabuthi SkirtRarityCommonGold42Weight0.6Stats
- 12.0 Armor
PropertyValueNameNoir Sabuthi SkirtRarityCommonGold50Weight0.6Stats
- 12.0 Armor
PropertyValueNameCrimson Sabuthi SkirtRarityCommonGold45Weight0.6Stats
- 12.0 Armor
- The Green and Pale variants are sold by Kahi the Merchant.
- The Crimson variant is a quest reward for No Rest for the Wicked.
- The Noir variant can be looted in the Warlords Tomb.