Items » Quest Items » Runner's Note
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It is becoming increasingly difficult to get these shipments to you. Nearly half of our runners are getting attacked before they can reach the town limits. Even if we can get our goods to you, the decreased flow of traffic through Wayfarer's Respite is quickly making this operation a net loss. If that centaur guard of yours didn't go missing, we would be swimming in gold right now. I didn't realize just how bad the town guard has become until they actually had to do their jobs again. I have one last plan. It will be a great way to get us back in the field... directly. However, there's no guarantee that it will work. If my plan falls through, I will reach out to you again. We have other prospects, so we could use your talents elsewhere. Besides, no one will question why a merchant is leaving a dying trade town. You know the drill. Burn this letter after reading.
- Nefi
- Obtained during the quest Liquid Gold if you decide to pursuit Resnhet's missing shipment.