Species » Lesser Draconid » Lesser Draconid: Male
Overview for all forms and unlocks for the Lesser Draconid: Male species.
Lesser Draconid Male FormI met precious few of these unnerving reptilians during my travels, yet all had found their way into positions of influence... cold and calculating as Kim.

Ashen ScalesThe dappled, camouflaged scales of the mountain-dwelling Draconid.
Primeval ScalesWell suited to the primordial swamp, these scales remain from an ancient reptilian bloodline that predates that of most Drakes and Draconids.
Scales of the Vermillion DraconidThe vivid, red scales of a common Draconid. The pigmentation is drawn from an ancient and noble bloodline.

Common HornsAn average set of rear-facing horns, swept back from the top of the skill. Horns of this type are common among many Draconid subtypes.
Dunewalker HornsThese short clusters of horns are common among the cave-dwelling draconids of the far southern deserts.
Hilldrake HornsA densely clustered set of swept back horns more common among mountain dwelling draconids.
Infernal HornsThese curled horns are typical of various plains-dwelling draconids. They also grant a striking look and a devil may care attitude.
No HornsSmooth is best sometimes.